Tomorrow, a dark and spine-tingling evening awaits. Get ready to experience a chilling theatrical experience during the Spirits of the Past Theatrical Tour, hosted by the Genesee Country Village and Museum. The tours will be held nightly beginning on October 17th and culminating on October 20th.
The Spirits of the Past Theatrical Tour is different from a typical visit to the museum. Using the historic village as its canvas, costumed tour guides will lead guests by candlelight through the darker recesses of the village as you experience original tales adapted from historical accounts and folklore and re-discover eerie literary classics that held Western New York in suspense some 150 years ago. This year, the Historic Village is overrun with witches of all types – secret and overt, good and evil – as depicted in eight theatrical vignettes.
Genesee Country Village and Museum is the largest and most comprehensive living history museum in New York State – and the third-largest in the United States. Chartered as an educational institution by the NYS Board of Regents, the museum offers opportunities to see, smell, taste, touch, explore and experience our 68 historic buildings; more than 20,000 artifacts; wildlife paintings, drawings and sculpture spanning centuries; the living collections in our gardens, on our working farm and at our Nature Center; and the gorgeous landscape that first brought settlers to this region.
Please be advised that this is a 75-minute guided walking tour (rain or shine), and as such it is not recommended for people with walking difficulties or infants (strollers are not allowed). The program is also not recommended for children under age 12. Advanced reservations are required and may be made online.
Green Wood Park Luxury Apartments, an extraordinary blend of comfortable and convenient apartments in Rochester, New York, would like to remind our friends and neighbors of this event!
Event Time/Date:
Wednesday, October 17, 2018—6:00 PM
Event Venue Location:
Genesee Country Village & Museum
1410 Flint Hill Road
Mumford, New York 14511